How to lighten your dishes?


How to lighten your dishes?

Replace starches with vegetables

It's simple and yet ... This reflex is sometimes difficult to introduce into your eating habits. Remember to accompany your meat and fish with seasonal vegetables. In salads, mashed potatoes, soups, gratins (light!), Vegetables can be cooked in a thousand and one ways for lighter dishes.

Prefer white meat to red

White meat is lower in fat than red meat. So, rather than throwing yourself on a flank steak or an entrecote, go for chicken and turkey for example. For the pork, choose so-called "lean" pieces and rind and defatted ham.

Have the fish reflex

If you want to change meat and if you are just not a carnivore, go to the fish department. Salmon, cod or even sole, for the easiest to cook, will lightly accompany all your garnishes. Provided they are cooked in the oven or steamed without too much fat to preserve their slimming capital. Don't forget the seafood either. Shrimps, mussels, whelks, etc. are also to be noted in your shopping list. They cook easily and quickly and only require well-chosen condiments and herbs to be rich in flavor.
