Losing your cellulite is not easy! We help you through this Article to understand the types of cellulite .

Losing your cellulite: how do you go about it?

Cellulite is a real problem for a large number of women and young adolescents. Studies show that around 90% of women have cellulite. This is not necessarily linked to a weight problem but can be explained by genetic factors or a lack of physical activity.

Trying to erase cellulite is more difficult for some women than others and can sometimes cause frustration and resignation. However, it is important to persevere because there are many effective solutions available to permanently get rid of the unsightly orange peel.

This phenomenon is mainly hormonal in origin and is justified by the surge of estrogen during adolescence. Lipodystrophy, more commonly known as "cellulitis" or "orange peel", occurs when an imbalance is created between the consumption of fat and the lipogenesis supposed to synthesize lipids and fatty acids. Without proper regulation of toxins and adipocytes (fat cells), the creation of orange peel is inevitable.

What about cellulite in men?

If cellulite tends to be thought of as a uniquely female phenomenon, it is not. Men, too, suffer from this natural imbalance. Stored mainly around the hips and on the stomach, cellulite in men is however less visible due to the thickness of their skin tissue. Plus, the hairiness can help make lipodystrophy less obvious. However, only 2% of men are confronted with this phenomenon against 90% of women.

What areas are affected by cellulite?

Cellulite can spread to various parts of the body, including the stomach, buttocks, thighs, hips and knees. How to eliminate fat storage in these targeted areas?

Belly cellulite

In order to lose belly cellulite, you will have to prioritize, above all, a balanced diet. Moderate your consumption:

Sugar- Deli meats 

Choose foods rich in vitamin C or fat absorbers. Among them, celery, pineapple and cabbage are highly recommended for their anti-cellulite action. Peppermint or green tea infusions neutralize water retention and facilitate the elimination of fat cells. As for proteins, we are helping you to bet on white meats and oily fish.

Buttock cellulite

Cellulite of the thighs and hips

Cellulite of the knees

How to get rid of cellulite?

As we have seen upstream, several areas are victims of the installation or the unsightly presence of cellulite. What methods are particularly effective today?

Strength training and cardio

The combination of muscular exercises and cardio is the ideal ally to destock stubborn adipocytes. After your weight training session, a short cardio session will help you burn and eliminate the fat cells that will have been released previously by muscle exercises.

Foods to choose from to avoid the formation of fat cells

In order to prevent the permanent establishment of cellulite, we cannot stress enough how important it is to adopt a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid foods that increase the risk of inflammation, such as gluten or dairy products, and prefer “superfoods” such as celery, pineapple or green tea to fight against fatty deposits.

Finally, remember to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day! It is important to stay hydrated in order to track the flow of blood and the flow of toxins.
