Tips For Losing Weight With Lemon


Tips For  
Tips For Losing Weight With LemonLemon

Need a natural and easy-to-use daily boost to help you lose weight faster? Test the lemon! This appetite suppressant citrus promotes the elimination of fat ... but not only! Manual.

We start with a 24 hour detox

Before starting a diet it is good to make sure that the liver, whose main role is to ensure the elimination of toxins, is functioning well. If it is saturated, one obtains a bad digestion, an instability of the level of sugar in the blood and a favored storage of fat. To clean up all this, Théresa Cheung and Dr Martine André recommend a 24-hour detox in their book The Lemon Diet.

How it works ?

As soon as you get up, drink a glass of lemon water, preferably a little heated (cold water in the morning causes gas and bloating).

- Wait half an hour before having breakfast which should consist of a salad of red fruits, organic yoghurt and a handful of almonds.

- Around 11 o'clock take a lemonade and sunflower seeds.

- At lunch: eat beans and lentils as a salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

- Snack: a lemonade and a handful of almonds or raw vegetables.

- Dinner: on the menu: grilled fish, a portion of steamed vegetables and a last glass of hot lemon water 2 hours before going to bed.

Why does it help to lose weight? Detoxifying the liver helps restart the digestive process and the elimination of sugar and fat in the blood before starting a diet.

Warning: you should never do a detoxification for more than 24 hours because the conditions would be too drastic for the body.

Tips For Losing Weight With Lemon
