5 Bad Habits That Make us Gain Weight Without Knowing it!

Skip breakfast

Some people skip breakfast thinking they're losing weight, but that's a bad idea! By skipping a meal, we tend to subconsciously compensate by eating more at the next meal. The body, faced with this higher calorie intake, will store more fat.

Eat big bites

By taking small bites rather than large bites, we tend to chew food more. A habit that helps us stay in shape by promoting the digestive system.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleep plays a very important role in the energy balance of the metabolism. By sleeping less, we eat more, a physiological adaptation mechanism put in place by our body to stay awake.

Eating outside too often At lunchtime with colleagues, in the evening to avoid cooking ... There are great temptations to eat regularly outside! However, this is not a good habit since we control less the content of our plate as well as the quantity and we often let ourselves be tempted by a little extra: dessert, sweet drink ... To control your weight, it is best to cook your dishes yourself. And if you don't have time, try batch cooking to prepare all your meals for the week ahead of time!

Eat while standing

When we eat standing up, we often have sandwiches, easy and quick to eat ... but bad for the figure! Eating while standing also causes more difficult digestion and stomach pain. Take the time to eat your meal!
